Friends of the Earth Action endorses Pramila Jayapal for Congress

State Sen. Jayapal has a strong, progressive record of leadership on the issues most important to FOE Action and our members.

FOE Action set to campaign for Bernie Sanders in Minnesota

People across this country understand that it will take a political revolution to solve the intertwined crises of the environment, income inequality and economic injustice; and Friends of the Earth Action is committed to fostering that revolution from the ground up.

Supreme Court delays climate action

Tonight’s Supreme Court decision has delayed the implementation of the Clean Power Plan while we are running out of time to combat climate change. It did not, however, address the merits of the case.

New Hampshire sends a message; Americans are unhappy with the status quo

Sen. Bernie Sanders’ overwhelming win in News Hampshire builds important momentum in the primary. Following his momentum-building showing in Iowa, Sanders’ victory in the Granite State demonstrates how profoundly his message resonates.

Iowa Caucus builds critical momentum for Sanders

The people no longer want establishment politics; they want a new American path toward economic and environmental justice led by Bernie Sanders.

Bernie Sanders best choice to keep coal in the ground

The only candidate who has pledged to keep fossil fuels in the ground, end polluter welfare, and ensure a just transition for workers in the fossil fuel industry is Senator Bernie Sanders.

Friends of the Earth Action launches Sanders 2016 TV ads in Iowa & NH

Friends of the Earth Action released a television ad today promoting Sen. Bernie Sanders. Entitled, “A bold and fearless voice,” the ads will run in Iowa and New Hampshire ahead of each state’s democratic primary, and will highlight Sanders’ strong records on the environment and unjust trade deals.

Debate reaction: Sanders is most consistent supporter of core environmental & justice issues

Of all candidates on the stage in Las Vegas, Sen. Sanders was the only one to correctly identify climate change as the single, greatest threat facing the planet today.

Secretary Clinton’s statement on the Trans Pacific trade deal is a step forward but insufficient

Secretary Clinton has been slow to respond to Americans’ concerns about the profound threat posed by the Trans Pacific Partnership trade agreement.

FOE Action welcomes Clinton KXL opposition

This is an important about-face for Clinton, who was initially inclined to support the pipeline during her tenure as Secretary of State.