Environmental groups call for end to Duke Energy’s toxic influence in North Carolina Politics

A coalition of environmental groups across North Carolina is calling on all candidates running for local, state and federal office to pledge to reject money and gifts from Duke Energy, Dominion Energy and their affiliates.

“The fight of our lives”: Friends of the Earth Action endorses Betsy Sweet for U.S. Senate

Sweet, a longtime environmental activist and the only major Democratic candidate who supports a Green New Deal, seeks to unseat Maine’s long-time U.S. Senator, Republican Susan Collins.

Friends of the Earth Action endorses progressive champions for California’s 2nd, 17th, and 50th Congressional districts

We encourage our members, supporters, environmentalists, and Democratic voters in California to make the right choice on election day. Our future depends on it.

Friends of the Earth Action Announces Dual Endorsement of Sanders and Warren

Never in our 50-year history has Friends of the Earth Action been in the position of having two such inspiring and fearless progressive leaders to choose from.

Elizabeth Warren signs “No Big Ag Money” Pledge

Today a coalition of food, farming, food chain worker and environmental groups announced that 2020 presidential candidate Sen. Elizabeth Warren has signed the No Big Ag Money pledge. The pledge, launched last week calls upon 2020 presidential candidates to reject contributions from large food and agribusiness corporation executives, lobbyists, and PACs.

Coalition Launches “No Big Ag Money” Pledge Targeting Presidential Candidates

Today a coalition of food, farming, food chain worker and environmental groups called upon 2020 presidential candidates to pledge to reject contributions from large food and agribusiness corporation executives, lobbyists, and PACs.

Trump attempts to gut NEPA

The Trump Administration is again taking action to weaken environmental protections. The Council on Environmental Quality's (CEQ) expected new proposal undermines the bedrock protections afforded under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) by weakening the review process and allowing major infrastructure projects to ignore greenhouse emissions.

Warren caves on climate to support Trump’s bad trade deal

Warren’s announcement comes despite her presidential campaign’s commitment to raise global standards and enforce environmental accountability in international trade agreements.

No Fossil Fuel Money Coalition Members Call Out Biden’s Questionable Fundraising Practices

With donations from Big Oil and Big Ag, it’s no surprise that Biden has been reluctant to embrace the bold solutions we need. We need candidates who will fight against corporate polluters and eliminate their outsized power in our political system.

Friends of the Earth Action urges Congress to vote to impeach Trump and remove him from office

We urge the House to vote to impeach Trump and we call on the Senate to try Trump for these crimes and convict him. Every member of Congress has a choice to make between protecting Trump and defending our democracy.