Friends of the Earth Action endorses Bob Lord for Congress in AZ-03

Incumbent John Shadegg singled out as threat to the planet

ARIZONA — Friends of the Earth Action today announced its endorsement of Democrat Bob Lord for Congress in Arizona’s Third Congressional District. Bob Lord is challenging incumbent Republican Representative John Shadegg, who scored an absolute zero in 2008 on the League of Conservation Voters’ National Environmental Scorecard.

“Throughout his 14 years in the U.S. House, Representative Shadegg has almost always voted against the health of Arizona families, against the conservation of energy, and against the protection of important parks and natural areas,” said Dr. Brent Blackwelder, President of Friends of the Earth Action. “He repeatedly sides with special interests against the public interest. It’s time for him to go.”

“On the other hand, Bob Lord has a lot to offer,” Blackwelder said. “He understands that a smart energy policy will grow the economy and create jobs while protecting the environment. He knows how important it is to invest in alternatives to fossil fuels and that Arizona has incredible solar energy potential. When it comes to energy and the environment, Bob Lord offers Arizona residents a cleaner and brighter future.”

Shadegg’s lifetime LCV score is only six percent. “That means Shadegg is voting more than 90 percent of the time against a healthy environment,” Blackwelder said. In 2007 Shadegg voted against renewable energy standards and auto fuel economy, but voted for oil shale subsidies, dirty coal-to-liquid fuels, and continued subsidies for Big Oil.

“Let me give you a specific example of Representative Shadegg’s malfeasance,” Blackwelder said. “He takes money from Big Oil and then votes for billions in giveaways to ExxonMobil—at a time when oil companies are making record profits. It’s a travesty. The people of Arizona’s Third District deserve better.”


Dr. Brent Blackwelder, 202-422-7753 (mobile), 202-222-0727 (office)
Nick Berning, 202-222-0748

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