Candidate Endorsements

We want to elect leaders at all levels of government who will fight for our communities and the environment. We not only fight for laws and lawmakers that will do the right thing on these issues, but we help the public join in the political battle as well. Only unprecedented political action from across the nation will turn the United States, and hopefully our planet, back on a sustainable course.

Paid for by Friends of the Earth (Action), Inc. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.

Latest News See All
National Environmental Groups Endorse Susheela Jayapal for OR-3

Friends of the Earth Action is committed to supporting candidates who unequivocally put people and the planet over corporate profit, which is why we’re thrilled to endorse Susheela Jayapal.

Friends of the Earth Action Announces First Round of Endorsements for Progressive Incumbents in 2024 Primaries

WASHINGTON – Today, Friends of the Earth Action endorsed over a dozen progressive incumbent candidates for upcoming primary races. These endorsements reflect the organization’s mission to advance environmental champions in Congress, from California to Florida.  Endorsed candidates include:  Nanette Barragán (CA-44)  Jared…

FOE Action Endorses Barbara Lee for California’s U.S. Senate seat

Today, Friends of the Earth Action endorsed Congresswoman Barbara Lee for California’s U.S. Senate primary race.