Warren’s climate justice plan is a strong step forward

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Senator and Presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren released a climate justice plan today. In response to, Nicole Ghio, senior fossil fuels program manager at Friends of the Earth Action, issued the following statement: 

We applaud Senator Warren’s plan to fight for racial and economic justice as we combat the climate crisis. Climate change may affect all of us, but it doesn’t affect us equally. Warren’s plan is strong because it is rooted in the understanding that institutionalized discrimination and racism has concentrated pollution on frontline, Indigenous and communities of color. It will hold banks, insurers and corporations accountable for profiting through these inequities. The plan’s strength is also that it will prioritize investments in these communities, supporting tools such as renewable community power and programs to address energy cost burdens.

Warren’s plan recognizes that these communities are already leading the way in building a more just and sustainable future.

Contact: Michael Khoo, (202) 669-7911, mkhoo@foe.org