Klobuchar climate plan falls short

WASHINGTON – Senator and Presidential candidate Amy Klobuchar unveiled her climate plan recently.

Nicole Ghio, Senior Fossil Fuels Program Manager at Friends of the Earth Action, issued the following statement in response:

While Friends of the Earth Action applauds Senator Klobuchar for taking the no fossil fuel money pledge, we are disappointed to see her climate plan fall drastically short. Stopping the worst of the climate crisis will require tackling the fossil fuel industry head on and fostering a just transition that ends our reliance on oil. Reinstating 2016 policies and false solutions like biofuels are simply not good enough.

The magnitude of the climate crisis demands a candidate willing to challenge the power of Big Oil and end our reliance on fossil fuels. It is clear that Senator Klobuchar is not that candidate.

Contact: Erin Jensen, (202) 222-0722, ejensen@foe.org