Taking Back The House

Taking Back The House

After two years of attacks on the environment by an administration filled with cronies like Ryan Zinke, Andrew Wheeler and Scott Pruitt, the American people sent a clear message: we need Democratic leaders who will hold Trump and his corrupt cabinet accountable. We cannot let industry rampantly appoint their own regulators and make their own rules.

The Blue Wave came crashing in on Nov. 6, 2018, turning over the U.S. House of Representatives, seven governorships and hundreds of state and local races. The 2018 election was the largest midterm turnout since 1914 and progressive candidates propelled Democrats into the majority, serving as a referendum on the Trump administration.

During this election, environmental organizations with political arms were out in full-force, including Friends of the Earth Action. We significantly expanded our volume of electoral engagement and were able to support progressive candidates across the country — and we couldn’t have done it without our volunteers.

Friends of the Earth Action’s volunteers helped us affect the outcomes of key elections. Leading up to the election, 270 volunteers joined us in text and phone banking for candidates who care about the environment. With the help of volunteers, we contacted over 80,000 voters via phone and over 131,000 voters via text, asking them to support progressive champions.

We need Democratic leaders who will hold Trump and his corrupt cabinet accountable

In total, 15 of the 25 candidates that Friends of the Earth Action endorsed won their races. The candidates we endorsed will serve as the progressive voices at the core of a new majority, calling for strong environmental protections and holding Republicans accountable for corruption and cronyism.

It is time to stop letting the fossil fuel industry run Washington. The Trump administration has crippled environmental protections and poured time and resources into stifling climate scientists and gutting protections for clean air and water. As the Blue Wave of Democrats comes to power in the House, they must act quickly to enact policies that will end our dependence on fossil fuels and invest in clean, renewable energy and agricultural systems not controlled by major corporations.