Ammar Campa-Najjar

Ammar Campa-Najjar is the champion we need in Congress fighting for bold action against climate change. He wants to transition to 100% renewable energy and ban offshore drilling in federal waters. What’s more, he spoken out for comprehensive immigration reform and Medicare for All.

Ammar is running for Congress in California’s 50th district against one of the most corrupt members of Congress, Duncan Hunter, who is currently under indictment for using his campaign funds as a personal checking account. We need progressive champions in Congress who will stand up to corruption and special interests, and we know Ammar is that champion.

To find your polling place:

Go to: or call (800) 345-VOTE (8683).

Early voting:

Any registered voter in California can vote early by going to your county election office right up until November 5. To find your nearest early voting location and hours visit or call (800) 345-VOTE (8683).

Voter ID

You do not need to bring an ID to vote In California. But you do have to register. Registration closed on October 22 and if this is your first time voting in California, it’s a good idea to bring a driver’s license or state-issued ID.

Vote by mail

Any California registered voter may ask to vote using a vote-by-mail ballot. You can request a ballot be mailed to you at or calling (800) 345-VOTE (8683).The last day to request a ballot by mail is October 30.

Paid for by Friends of the Earth (Action), Inc. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.