Work Place Giving

Work Place Giving

Matching gifts

Many employers, as part of their employee benefits package, will match donations made by employees to charitable organizations. Check with your personnel office to see whether your company has a matching gift program. If it does, your gift to protect the environment could have twice the impact!

Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) #12067

If you’re a federal employee, you can support Friends of the Earth by participating in the Combined Federal Campaign. Look for Friends of the Earth — CFC #12067 — in your campaign catalog.


EarthShare, a nationwide network of America’s leading non-profit environmental and conservation organizations, works to promote environmental education and charitable contributions through workplace giving campaigns. EarthShare provides environmentally conscious employees and workplaces with the opportunity to support hundreds of environmental groups through a charitable giving drive. Friends of the Earth is a founding member of Earth Share.

By supporting EarthShare, you also support Friends of the Earth. You can introduce your employer to the EarthShare @ Work program so you can support the critical programs of Friends of the Earth and many other respected environmental charities.  To find out more about setting up an EarthShare campaign with your employer, please contact our membership department at (202) 222-0759.