Protecting New York’s Waterways

At a time when scientists tell us we must keep fossil fuels in the ground, New York City is fighting against a dangerous fossil fuel project that would worsen the climate crisis.
The Williams Pipeline is a proposed natural gas pipeline that would connect the gas fields of Pennsylvania to the New York and New Jersey harbor — and, if created, it would have significant environmental impacts on water quality and marine life. Further, the project would prolong our dependence on polluting fossil fuels.
With its passage of the most ambitious climate bill in the country, New York is a model for the rest of the country when it comes to environmental leadership. A natural gas pipeline that harms public health, environment and wildlife would be a massive step backwards for the state.
So New Yorkers spoke up.
As the associated environmental risks are far too serious to ignore, activists, community members and elected officials publicly spoke out against the project. Friends of the Earth’s organizing efforts got Rep. Jerry Nadler (D-NY) on record opposing the pipeline — and Nadler later worked with eleven of New York’s congressional representatives to call for Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s rejection of the project. Further, nearly 2,500 Friends of the Earth members urged Cuomo to reject the pipeline’s permit for the sake of public health and the environment.
After receiving an array of pressure from residents, activists and elected officials, Cuomo’s Department of Environmental Conservation rejected the pipeline permit, citing issues with water quality standards!
While the pipeline company is allowed to apply for another permit, pressure from environmental activists, concerned citizens and elected officials has the power to stop this project once more.
This is a massive win for victory for clean water, marine life and public health — and it makes it clear that destructive gas pipelines have no place in New York. Stopping this unnecessary, unsafe pipeline is a huge step in our fight to keep fossil fuels in the ground, building momentum in fights against new pipelines across the country.