Friends of the Earth Action Urges NO Vote on Manchin’s Project 2025 Bill

WASHINGTON – Last week, Senators Joe Manchin (I-WV) and John Barrasso (R-WY) introduced their so-called “Energy Permitting Reform Act of 2024.” The bill is full of pro-Big Oil, anti-environment provisions straight out of Project 2025. It attempts to open up even more federal lands and waters to fossil fuel extraction, end the Biden Administration’s LNG pause, and eviscerate our bedrock environmental laws to make it easier to build dirty energy projects and harder for communities to hold polluters accountable. The legislation is scheduled to be marked up in the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee on Wednesday, July 31, 2024.

In anticipation of the markup, Ariel E. Moger, Friends of the Earth Action Government and Political Affairs Director, released the following statement:

It’s truly baffling that Democrats are willing to support a Project 2025 energy bill promoted by a coal baron who left their party and is about to leave politics. This anti-environment bill is an egregious giveaway to Big Oil and a slap in the face to frontline communities already disproportionately impacted by pollution and climate chaos. This bill is the absolute last thing we need moving through Congress at a time when we should instead be uniting and building momentum for November. 

Democrats must put people and the planet above Manchin’s toxic legacy. We especially call on Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee members to oppose Manchin’s Project 2025 bill and vote “NO” in Wednesday’s markup.

Communications contact: Shaye Skiff,