Trump Resistance

While the shock of Donald Trump’s election continues to haunt us, in the days after his election, Friends of the Earth vowed to fight his toxic administration at every step of the way. And fight we have!
Friends of the Earth and our members aren’t afraid of speaking truth to power. Using every tool we have, we have pushed back against Trump and his despicable administration…and that resistance has paid off.
While the daily threats to our environment and our society rack up, Friends of the Earth has lead the charge against the Trump Administration.
We have pushed back against Trump’s constant spewing of lies. Following his announcement of the United States’ withdrawal from the Paris Agreement, we set the record straight regarding his attacks on the Green Climate Fund. Our correction of the record was widely published, proving just how inaccurate and misleading Trump was.
White Supremacist Steve Bannon’s removal from the White House came after we delivered more than 100,000 signatures, along with many more from the progressive community, calling for him to go. We teamed up with the Council on American-Islamic Relations to stop Trump’s muslim ban from taking effect. We have solidified ourselves as a strong member of the progressive community that is actively involved in resisting Trump’s racist and xenophobic agenda.
We have also taken our fight to Trump’s deplorable administration as a whole. When reports came out that EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt spent exorbitant amounts of taxpayer money on luxurious travel, we greeted him with a plane and digital truck telling him to pay it back.
Trump’s ineptitude and intolerance has threatened to our environment and our democracy. By exploiting the deepest and darkest fears in our country, Trump took power. He staffed his administration with racists, xenophobes, and chauvinists—not to mention climate change-denying industry shills. The entire administration reeks of corruption and conflicts of interest.
It’s on all of us to fight back. And we have. And we will.
In this hostile political climate and unending news cycle of Trump administration corruption, it would be easy to lose hope. We must continue to fight the fights that seem unwinnable and give voice to the issues that have none. We have an extremely tough road ahead, but Friends of the Earth continues to fight back. Every. Single. Day.